3° Prínciprana

In Stock
A sparkling wine produced in the traditional method, composed of non-traditional varieties: 40% Garnacha, 30% Riesling & 30% Tempranillo all from our Cimarron Vineyard in Willcox, AZ. For this iteration, half of the base wine came from the 2020 vintage and the balance from our perpetual cuvée of base wines harvested in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019. This wine was bottled in early 2021 and has been resting in bottles, on the lees until it was recently disgorged for this release. With zero dosage, this wine is crisp, dry, toasty, a little spicy & a whole lot refreshing.
The nice folks at Forbes & Phoenix magazines were kind enough to shine a little light on previous releases of Prínciprana, if you care to head down that rabbit hole.
We've got the first tranche of this 1,500 liter release ready to roll now, with the balance awaiting disgorgement... there's a small chance we will sell through these before the next wave is disgorged - if that happens to happen, we will keep you posted.
Wine Specs
Non Vintage
White Blend
Alcohol %